Why the modern office is more about quiet(1)
Over the past decade, the advantages of introverts have been gradually discovered. The Quiet Revolution, which is sweeping across all sectors, is now blowing into interior design. Experts predict that the future of interior design will focus more on the needs of introverts, with an emphasis on 'quie

Why choose a soundproof room instead of a partition?
1. A gift for the next tenant At first, non-removable partitions are not very profitable: once installed, you can't recover them. This is your gift to the next tenant! Unlike telephone booths, they are a long-term investment as they last over 10 years (for the best ones) and can follow your movement

Is Office Pod safe after COVID-19? (2)
Cleaning and cleaning staff Pandemics can be a difficult time for cleaning crews. Tasks like cleaning the windows of work cabins used to be a once-a-week or even once-a-month job. Now, they are being asked to do it multiple times a day. Make sure they have the right tools, such as a high-quality win

Is Office Pod safe after COVID-19? (1)
Trends in workplace design are rapidly accelerating towards flexible hybrid offices. Prior to COVID-19, work pods and cubicles in offices were sought after refuges to avoid distractions. Silence and privacy were required for focused work and uninterrupted video conferencing. Now, in the post-COVID w